Our Mission & Vision - PFPMOA

Our Mission & Vision

PFPMOA is envisioned to function as the Unified Philippine Professional Pest Management Organization, tasked to act as the sole accreditation body of a self-regulated urban pest management industry. It shall be an independent policy-making body designed to operate as a responsible steward of the industry, settings the highest standards of the best practices in modern pest management, while producing the most relable, credible, and globally-competitive pest management service providers.

  • Consolidate the industry by unifying all professional pest management associations in the country.
  • Uplift and institutionalize high industry standards and practices in urban pest management.
  • Establish and pursue high ethical standards in all pest management activities to attain the best for the common food and welfare of the industry, the general public, and the environment.
  • and to serve as the center of information of the industry, as well as the hub of camaraderie of all urban pest management.